NEW ORLEANS — A study of children with myelomeningocele using AFOs under a dual task paradigm has provided new insight on the day-to-day functional effect of AFOs on this population, according to Nikta Pirouz, CPO, who led the study at…
Month: February 2015
AAOP Annual Meeting kicks off with opening session
NEW ORLEANS — Despite financial concerns, the O&P profession is gaining strength and is in need of more dedicated professionals, according to a presenter here at the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium. “Our practice… will provide live coverage of AAOP Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium
The O&P Business News and team will report live from the American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists Annual Meeting & Scientific Symposium in New Orleans. In addition to organized sessions which will take place throughout the meeting, the American…
Study: Postural insoles combined with AFO improve balance in children with cerebral palsy
Children with cerebral palsy showed an improvement in static and functional balance while using postural insoles combined with an ankle-foot orthosis, according to results from a randomized controlled study conducted in Brazil. A group of 20 children ages 4 years…
Making a Splash With Amp Fins
Randy Lord gets a kick out of helping fellow lower limb amputees swim.
Disruptive and Constructive: 3-D Printed O&P Devices Gain Momentum
3-D printing presents opportunities and challenges for the field of O&P.
Pittsburgh project aims to provide feeling to prosthetic hands
University of Pittsburgh researchers are creating a prosthetic limb that moves and “feels” like a natural one. They hope this sensation will improve the user’s dexterous control of the device and give them greater intuition in relation to the prosthetic…
Össur partners with Myomo for US distribution
Össur and Myomo have signed an agreement to sell Myomo’s patented MyoPro orthosis technology in the United States. MyPro was based on technology created at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and has been proven to aid in the restoration of…
University receives $1.4 million to develop realistic neuroprosthetic control
University of Utah researchers have received $1.4 million in funding to develop an implantable neural interface that could allow amputees to control a prosthesis using their thoughts. Dubbed the Utah Slanted Electrode Array, the interface uses 100 electrodes that connect…
BOC renews Silver Level OPAF sponsorship
The Board of Certification/Accreditation will again be a silver level sponsor for Orthotic and Prosthetic Assistance Foundation and the First Clinics in 2015. This is the fifth year the Board of Certification/Accreditation (BOC) has financially supported the work of the…