Level Four Orthotics and Prosthetics Inc. has appointed James Button as its new chief executive officer.
According to a company press release, Button previously served as chief executive at Allard USA, which takes orthotic devices manufactured in Europe and Asia, and sells the devices in North America.

“My work supplying orthotics to O&P practitioners has been Rewarding,” Button said in the release. “I am excited by this new challenge and honored to lead Level Four in providing a growing number of physically challenged people with unsurpassed quality of patient care.”
According to the release, Button started his career on Wall Street as an investment banker in corporate finance and later moved into private equity. After a chainsaw accident that resulted in the gait abnormality of foot drop, Button wore an ankle-foot orthosis while training to run in the 2012 Boston Marathon. He later joined, and still serves on, the board of a charitable foundation that funds programs for people with physical disabilities.
“These interactions have fueled his interest in the industry,” according to the press release. “As a proven [chief executive officer] CEO, Button has led the revitalization and growth of companies in a variety of industries including orthotics, business telecommunications systems, oil refining, entertainment transportation and methanol production.”