The Orthotic and Prosthetic Activities Foundation has invited four new members, including a professional ballroom dancer and a national paraclimber, to its advisory board, according to a press release.

The new members are Adrianne Haslet, a professional ballroom dancer and an Orthotic and Prosthetic Activities Foundation (OPAF) first dance instructor in Boston; Tommy Lyon, a national paraclimber and OPAF first climb instructor in Pottstown, Pennsylvania; Anne Weiland, CTRS, team leader of recreation therapy at Moss Rehab, in Elkins Park, Pennsylvania; and Zita Upchurch, RN, who handles consulting and billing for O&P Providers, in Gallatin, Tennessee.
“These individuals provide exemplary input on the First Clinics and the education aspects that are accompanying many of them,” the release stated. “They join a group that shines brightly in introductory level adaptive recreation across the nation. While the OPAF Advisory Board holds no formal meetings, all members are a vital part of the ongoing work of OPAF and The First Clinics.”