Summer is a time for family, friends and fun. In light of summer coming to an end and fall rolling in, O&P News takes a look at how O&P practices and companies spent the time together.
While some groups went head-to-head in games of tug-of-war, others dug into a meal at their summer picnic. While some posed for a new group photo, others climbed the tallest peaks in Idaho.
O&P News also included a few photos from its own “Summer Fest,” where staff tossed bean bags, pulled ropes and got a little bit wet in the rain. Summer certainly brought good times here, and hopefully it did for your company and O&P company as well.
– Editors of O&P News

Image: College Park Industries.

Image: Cascade Dafo Inc.

Image: Cascade Dafo Inc.

Image: Cascade Dafo Inc.

Image: Board of Certification/Accreditation.

Image: Barbara Pelc, MD, Langer Biomechanics.

Image: Jason Urry, OT, St. Luke’s Magic Valley Medical Center.

Image: Tamarack Habilitation Technologies.

Image: Wyanoke Group.

Image: Amputee Coalition.

Image: Wyanoke Group.